How to organize your home in 10 easy steps!


Whether you are an empty nester looking to downsize into a smaller home or condo, a divorcee looking for an emotional (and physical) fresh start or just any one of us who are looking to embrace the life-changing magic of tidying up, here are some tips on how to de-clutter your space (and your mind!) and get yourself organized with a view to downsizing into a new space or just creating more calm within the space that you are in.First things first:

1.  You need a plan

Before getting started, it is paramount that you have a plan in place, complete with timelines and deadlines.  Just like goal-setting, you will need to write it down, keep it someplace where you can see it, and keep checking those tasks off your list (it will give you a feeling of accomplishment, I promise).

2. Be prepared

Make a list of everything you are going to need to accomplish this momentous task and go out and get them.  The easiest way to get sent off course is to get into a rhythm and then find that you don't have the tools available to complete the task at hand.  Go get garbage bags, boxes, packing tape, sharpies, a label maker and storage containers of various shapes and sizes.  Then crank some music or put on your favourite podcast and get to work!

3.  Enlist help

We know that the thought of downsizing and de-cluttering can be completely overwhelming, but there are people out there who can help.  As realtors, we have a system to help downsizers tackle the clutter and get their house ready for sale, so if you are looking to sell, make sure you engage a realtor who is experienced with the process of downsizing.  There are also professional organizers who, for a fee, can walk you through this transition and, depending on the level of engagement, can even do it all for you.  Additionally, enlist your children and family members to help out, and in some (most) cases, come pick up their stuff!

4.  Eat the frog

You know that task that you absolutely positively DO NOT want to do?  Yeah, do that one first.  I know it sucks and I know you really really really don't want to clean out that storage closet under the stairs, the one that has been collecting all the discarded Christmas gifts and kids art projects for lord knows how many years, but just think how amazing and empowered you will feel when you do finally eat that frog!


5.  Go room by room

Don't multi-task, this process needs to be methodical, so attack each room individually; then close the door and move on.  Go through and pull every item out of every drawer and closet, clean off every surface and then move on to #6.

6.  Separate & Discard

Keep it, give it away or throw it out.  Separate everything into three piles, but be very discriminate, this is not a time for sentimentality.  If you haven't looked at it or used it for years, then it needs to be given away or thrown out.  We know it is difficult to part with items related to your children or family members who have passed away, but try to whittle it down to a much more manageable size.  Maybe take photos of your children's art projects, put them in an album and then keep only your favourite three pieces?  Try shifting your mindset by giving away clothes that belonged to a loved one to charity, they are not only freeing up space in your life but also getting a new one.  Have a yard sale and make a little bit of money while you're at it.  If there are items that you don't use, but are having trouble parting with because they are valuable, have them appraised and see if you can sell them. There are lots of goods options available nowadays and there is someone out there willing to buy everything!

7.  Organize

Do not put anything back that does not have a purpose or a place!  This is key.  Before you put anything back in a drawer or cupboard ask yourself whether it has a purpose and if so, make sure to make a place for it.  This is when storage containers come in very handy and there is so much variety nowadays, there are lots of options that are both practical and decorative.  Have some fun with it and be creative.

8.  Make a list of updates & repairs that need doing

As you are going through this process, make sure to make a list of any repairs or updates that are required, and if you are selling, make a plan to complete them prior to putting the house on the market.  Once the de-cluttering is done, it will then be easy to make the necessary repairs or hire contractors to do them.

9.  Don't forget the outdoor spaces!

Yup, you have to tackle the garage and garden shed as well.  Go through the same process with the outdoor spaces, getting rid of everything that no longer serves your purpose.  Just think, if your plan is to move into a condo, you can say good-bye to that lawnmower forever!

10.  Celebrate!

We know this process can be totally daunting, but we promise it is worth it.   At the end of it, you will feel lighter and more empowered, so once it is done, pour yourself a glass of wine and give yourself a big high-five!  We think you deserve a gift as well ;). If you are looking to downsize and would like us to come by and walk you through our step-by-step guide to downsizing, please feel free to get in touch, we are always available for your questions!

New decade, new goals. What do you want to accomplish this year??


Most people look at a new year as fresh start; a time to create new good habits, break old bad ones, and set new goals in their personal and professional lives.  Unfortunately without a plan in place, these resolutions tend to get broken....well, right about now.  This is why the gyms are packed for the first couple of weeks of January and revert back to normal by the beginning of February! We are not experts, and are definitely learning as we go, but wanted to share with you some tips we use for setting goals, and sticking to them.

1. Decide what you want to accomplish

First things first, you need to really think about what you want and how and when you want to get there.  The rule of thumb is that goals should be SMART - specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound.  If you want to lose weight for example, you should determine a realistic amount of weight that you want lose within a certain time frame.  In saying that, make sure that your goals are not too easy to achieve, challenge yourself and think big!  You might also want to set goals for different areas of your life, such as personal (read x number of books this year), health & wellness (work out 4 times/week), career (make x amount of money), relationships (go on a date night with your partner once a week).  I think it's also a good idea to have long and short term goals - 10 year, 5 year, 1 year & quarterly.  Once you have a clear picture of what you want to achieve and within what time frame, then you need to....

2. Write them down!

This step is really important.  A lot of people walk around with ideas in their head of what they would like to accomplish, but without writing them down and having them somewhere as a constant reminder (see #3) then you are way less likely to follow through on them.  Just the physical act of writing them down makes you that much more committed to carrying through on them.  Apparently you are 50% more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down, but that could be fake news :).

3.  Visualize

This step is two-fold.  The first part is that you need to be able to visualize yourself achieving your goals, which is a tool that professional athletes have been using for decades.  Being able to actually visualize yourself achieving your goal can be very powerful.  The second part is having your goals prominently displayed someplace where you can visually see them everyday, as a constant reminder of what you are aiming for. We know it's totally hokey, but we like to make a vision board for this.  A vision board is just a compilation of images, quotes, lists or really whatever you want, which is a visual display of your goals and ultimately it should conjure up the feeling of what you want to achieve as well.


4.  Plan of Action

Here is where you put a plan in place to make those goals a reality.  Write down what you can do today, tomorrow, this week and this month to move you closer to your goals.  Every morning set aside some time to review your goals (and admire your fancy vision board!) and make a list of small actionable steps that you can take on a daily basis that will get you closer to the big goal.  This is also a good time to review your progress; where you are doing well, where you are doing not so well and course-correct as needed.  Don't beat yourself up though, this is a journey and we are all learning as we go!

5.  Accountability

This step is key, and if you are not good at being accountable to yourself, bring in support; whether it's through your partner, a friend, a business mastermind group or a coach; make sure that you have someone who is willing to kick your butt if you're not doing what you said you would do! (Lots of people are using social media to hold themselves accountable.)

6.  Review

Constantly review your big and small goals to make sure that you are still going in the right direction, that your timelines are reasonable, and that your goals still fit your current needs and wants.  There is nothing wrong with changing your goals if they no longer suit you.

7.  Celebrate Success

This is the fun part!  Tie your goals to rewards so that you have that additional feeling of accomplishment and something physical to mark your achievement and hard work.

Off to clean my office, one of my first goals of the new year. If you are thinking about any home improvements or renovations this year, reach out to us! We are happy to provide you with a complimentary Home Improvement Consult to help you allocate those dollars to see the best return on investment. Wishing you much joy & prosperity in 2020!

Christmas Countdown | Days 21 - 24

Thanks for joining in on our holiday countdown again this year. We have all had a busy month and we are 4 days away from our 2019 countdown finishing up. We are easing in to Christmas this week spending time with family and spreading some holiday cheer. Here's what we'll be up to over the next four days.


Thank you for a wonderful 2019. Enjoy the holidays with your loved ones and we'll see you in the New Year. xo

Christmas Countdown | Days 16 - 20


How is there just over a week until Christmas? I’m being reminded constantly how many more sleeps until the big day (nine in case you are wondering). Is the excitement building with you and yours? There is still time left to lend a helping hand and show our gratitude. Here’s what we’ll be up on Days 16-20. 


Pop back on the 21st for our last four days of the 2019 WSS Christmas Countdown!

Christmas Countdown | Days 6 - 10


Will it be a white Christmas? It's quite the winter wonderland this morning here in Toronto so if this weather keeps up, it just might be. The next few days are about taking the time for family and passing along some holiday cheer to others. These few days should have you feeling jolly in no time. Have fun!


Can't wait to see you on the 11th!

Christmas Countdown | Days 1 - 5


It’s December 1st today and that means it's the first day of our WSS 2019 Christmas Countdown. We are so excited about our advent calendar and hope you will follow us here and on Instagram to see what we are up to everyday.

Starting out with Days 1-5 we have a very special surprise for you. We are giving away two tickets to see the award winning musical Hamilton in Toronto! That's right, something to look forward to all winter long. If you'd like to enter, here is how to do so:

  1. Like us on Instagram &/or Facebook

  2. Like at least 4 posts during our West Side Storeys Christmas Countdown which runs from today until December 24th

  3. Comment by tagging a friend in all 4 posts that you've liked

  4. Follow along & participate in at least 4 activities during the countdown by tagging us @westside_storeys and using the hashtag #westsider

That’s it, easy peasy!  Everyone who fulfills the 4 conditions above will be entered into a draw to win 2 tickets to see Hamilton in Toronto in April 2020 ($500 value). 

As well, anyone who bought, sold, referred or was the subject of one of our business spotlights will be automatically entered to win!  The draw will take place on January 6th, 2020. Best of luck to everyone!

Alright, let's do this, here is what we'll be up to on Days 1 - 5.

Advent Calendar

Advent Calendar

Stay warm, have fun and countdown to Christmas with us west-end style!

See you on December 6th!

2019 Christmas Countown

We cannot believe that it’s that time of year again and there is less than a month until Christmas. As you know, we like to countdown the days in December with a feel good advent calendar. This year is no different except we are kicking it off with a surprise! Check back on December 1st to see what we are up to and how we saying "thank-you" to all of you. We are going to spend December once again hanging out in our community, shopping locally, spreading joy through Random Acts of Kindness and squeezing in some “me time” as well.

Christmas Countdown 2019

Christmas Countdown 2019

We are challenging each other to complete every item on our Community Christmas Countdown advent calendar again this year and hope you’ll join us. It is a good reminder to be grateful for what we have and to show our kids that giving back is more fulfilling than “getting”.

See you December 1st.

Wabi-Sabi: Embracing Imperfection


As a follow up to our post about Hygge, the Danish concept of creating joy and coziness in life's everyday moments, we wanted to talk about the Japanese philosophy of Wabi-Sabi and how it relates to interior design and everyday life.

At its core, Wabi-Sabi is the concept of accepting imperfection. Roughly translated, Wabi means rustic simplicity or understated elegance and Sabi means taking pleasure in the imperfect. It believes that beauty is imperfect, impermanent and incomplete. Its roots come from the Japanese Tea Ceremony, which is a ritual of purity and simplicity, in which the handmade bowls and utensils that are used are often irregularly shaped and worn due to use. These items are celebrated for their beauty, which comes from their deliberate imperfections and their emotional significance.

As recovering perfectionists (okay, we may be 'in recovery'), Kirsten and I are constantly reminding each other 'not to let the perfect be the enemy of the good'. This phrase has actually helped us immensely by giving us permission to put things out that may not be 'perfect' in our minds (whatever that might be!), but it moves the process along while allowing us to make improvements and tweaks over time, or sometimes just accepting it as it is.

This aesthetic is also making its way into home design, by embracing the lived-in and weathered. It is a move away from the impractical sleek images that we are bombarded with on social media, to an aesthetic that is more functional and livable.

It’s a long awaited invitation to stray from convention and expectation and instead celebrate individuality and comfort.

Dayna Isom Johnson, Canadian Living

It is also a celebration of sentimentality, embracing items whose beauty comes from their meaning rather than their austere beauty. This could mean a weathered armchair that was a family heirloom or a piece of ceramic whose beauty comes from its uniqueness and the story that it tells. It also encourages us to choose materials that weather beautifully over time such as wood, stone and metal and to choose colours that are a reflection of those seen in nature. In this way it very much aligns with the concepts behind Hygge, in the way that it promotes natural elements, colours and simplicity, and in its belief that every object in your home should be beautiful, useful or both.


Wabi-Sabi is the antithesis to big box stores, fast fashion and mass consumption. At West Side Storeys we like to call ourselves the Mom & Pop shop in the big box world of real estate, and Wabi-Sabi embraces a lot of what we believe in and strive for - quality over quantity, true connection with our clients, relationship building, the importance of community, shopping local, waste reduction and an appreciation for the uniqueness and history of the older homes that we buy and sell.

In the end, there really is no such thing as perfection, whether it be in design, houses, or let's face it, life. So isn't the pursuit of perfection inevitably a path to unhappiness and dissatisfaction? Wabi-sabi shifts this focus to one of gratitude and appreciation for what we already have, rather than the pursuit of the next shiny new thing. This powerful shift in perspective can help us to feel more peaceful and content in the current moment and improve our quality of life.

Why not try to embrace imperfection and maybe even take it a step further and seek it out? A good exercise is to purposely choose items with obvious flaws and love and cherish them for those flaws, not despite of them. By embracing an attitude of Wabi-Sabi, you allow your home to become a true reflection of who you are and perhaps this shift in attitude will lead to an acceptance and celebration of the imperfection in all aspects of our lives....wrinkles and all ;)