Hello March!


Full disclosure, I don't like February. For a short month it always feels very long to me. I'm fully celebrating that it's March today and no matter what the weather brings, we are THAT much closer to spring.

With March Break and Easter both happening this month I know March is going to FLY by.

I've rounded up a few things going on this month & a few fun links around the web.

The UrbanHensTO pilot program starts tomorrow in Toronto.March Break programs are filling up quickly.

The library has some great offerings like Lego builds, dance, movies, crafts and science workshops.

Maria Doyle Kennedy is performing at Hugh's Room tonight. Have you seen her in Orphan Black?

My kids are obsessed with the fact that scenes from "It" were filmed in the Toronto area. Check out the full list of sets & if you have Stephen King fans in your house it makes for a fun weekend adventure.

I can't wait to see this movie. Zosia Mamet is killing it. I loved her as Shoshanna in Girls and she looks hilarious in this one too. (The Boy Downstairs)

If you are lucky enough to be going away for March Break, check out this great beach read by local author Marissa Stapley.

The Beau & Bauble is stocking Levi's now. Yes.

Most city skating rinks are open until the end of March Break.

Are you lucky enough to be getting out of town on March Break? We are staying put but I'm going to put aside some time to read, get out for drinks with friends and clean out some closets while trying to stay sane with three kids at home.