Summer 2018, why do you have to go? While it's "technically" still summer until tomorrow, there is something about the Labour Day weekend and the return to school that screams IT'S OVER. The weather has been really beautiful in Toronto this September and like lots of Canadians, I'm still embracing patio weather even though it's getting darker earlier and nights are cooler. Eeeek.What did you do this summer? Any highlights? I thought I'd share some of my favourite things from this summer.
Prince Edward Island
Prince Edward Island. Private beaches, Blueberry Beer (you're welcome) and fresh seafood. Done.
Weekly flower subscriptions. Grown locally and delivered to my door.
This place. Grateful for my great-grandfather who gave us this piece of the world and for all those crazy people I call family who share it with us.
linen t-shirt
Locally made linen T's. Hoibo and Mildred Handmade all summer long.
Sending my kids to camp. Although sooooo much work to pack them up and clean them up when they get home, a lovely break for me and a wonderful experience for them.
Toronto beaches
Toronto beaches. Okay, not the cleanest at times, but how lucky are we to have so many to choose from? We hit the Bluffs, Island, Woodbine and Sunnyside this summer. (Hot tip, Bluffer's Park had by far the best breeze / waves and was the cleanest beach!)
Hope you all had a wonderful summer and are settling back in the routines of back to school / back to reality. Can I look forward to Christmas now??
Tans will fade but the memories will last forever.