Best of the West: Lace Up Your Skates


Okay, I’ll admit it, I don’t love winter, but living in Toronto you really only have two choices, embrace it or complain about it. In the spirit of embracing the cold, this month’s Best of the West is about the best outdoor skating rinks in Toronto’s west end.

I find that if I do embrace winter (and dress warmly!), I actually end up enjoying myself. It’s just the getting out of the warm house that is the struggle! Skating really is such a great winter activity though, not only is it inexpensive but it’s also a fabulous way to spend time with the family or a group of friends. So, where are the best places in the west end to embrace the winter and lace up those skates?

High Park

There is a busy ice rink in the middle of High Park where you can take in the natural scenery and do a few laps around the rink. It is also a popular spot for pick-up games of shinny. The upside to our recent frigid weather (we’re talking to you Polar Vortex!), is that for the first time in a few years Grenadier Pond has frozen over and provides a lovely backdrop to take a few laps or play a little shinny.

The Bentway

I think our city gets high marks for this ingenious addition that was added in January 2018. It is a 220-metre figure eight that is located under the Gardiner Expressway on the lands of Fort York National Historic Site, running from just east of the Fort York Visitor Centre (250 Fort York Blvd) to Bastion St. Skate rentals are available and rentals are free on Thursdays, courtesy of Billy Bishop Airport. The rink is open from 5-9pm on weekdays and 12-9pm on weekends and starting January 6, enjoy free hot chocolate every Monday evening (5:00pm-8:30pm) thanks to the CityPlace Fort York BIA.

The Bentway, photo credit: @bbishopairport

The Bentway, photo credit: @bbishopairport

rennie park

Located in Swansea, this popular west end destination has both a hockey rink and a skating trail. The skating trail is built around a tree and has no fences making it popular late at night, particularly with teenagers. The hockey rink has proper boards, a scoreboard and sound system. There's also a large change room and observation room.

dufferin grove park

Embrace the community spirit at these two side-by-side ice rinks, one dedicated to informal hockey games and one to leisurely skating. Skate rentals are also available on the cheap. Located on the east side of Dufferin, across from Dufferin Mall.

colonel sam smith park

It may be crowded, but it’s worth it! This figure eight trail provides an alternative to the typical rinks found in the city. It is located in south Etobicoke, at Kipling and Lakeshore, and has a picturesque trail, free parking and indoor change areas.

Colonel Sam Smith Skate Trail, photo credit: City of Toronto

Colonel Sam Smith Skate Trail, photo credit: City of Toronto

trinity bellwoods park

A popular destination for shinny, this outdoor rink is located in Trinity Bellwoods Park, south of Dundas, on Gore Vale Avenue. This popular park has it all, including an artificial rink that attracts winter enthusiasts of all ages.

nathan phillips square

It may not be located in the west end, but we can’t talk about outdoor skating without mentioning the grand-daddy of them all, the beautiful rink at Nathan Phillips Square. It is totally worth tackling the crowds to take part in this very Toronto pastime. With the big Toronto sign in the background, it is a fabulous way to spend a winter afternoon or evening, and a great date night destination. It also features a snack bar, skate rentals, skating lessons and DJ skates.

Best skating rinks in Toronto's west end

So lace up those skates #westsiders and I hope to see you out there!